Young Democrats of Franklin County
President: Megan Ayscue 919-612-4240 [email protected]
Vice President: Israel Hicks
Secretary: Mekia Neal
Treasurer: Victoria Quijada
Adviser: Brenda Neal 919-496-3194
Membership is open to all Democrats age 35 and under
Meets 2nd Saturday of the month at 10 am at Headquarters in Louisburg
President: Megan Ayscue 919-612-4240 [email protected]
Vice President: Israel Hicks
Secretary: Mekia Neal
Treasurer: Victoria Quijada
Adviser: Brenda Neal 919-496-3194
Membership is open to all Democrats age 35 and under
Meets 2nd Saturday of the month at 10 am at Headquarters in Louisburg